Sunday 30 October 2011

Sunday Snog - Ménage a Music

Happy Sunday Snog everyone - here is a kiss from the final book in my Mattress Music series. You've met Nina and Ian in Mattress Music, and Jenny and Robbie in Mirror Music, now let me introduce the very lucky Sylvia who gets not just one hot rockstar but two! Tim and Dean Coltrane, guitarist and drummer in The Manic Machines.


Most women would think themselves eternally lucky to have a hot, sinfully sexy rock star giving them the serious come-on—so imagine how I felt to find not one but two giving me the eye! Phew! I was turning somersaults.

But of course this led to a massive and, quite honestly, unenviable dilemma. How the heck do you choose between two rock gods who want nothing more than to give you pleasure of the extremely intense variety?

Lucky for me these global superstars were brothers who knew just how to share the same toy—sorry, I mean woman. That left me free to take a break from managing the band and let their experienced, talented hands manage me.

* * * * *

Snog - taken from the beginning of the book when Sylvia realizes she has a dilemma.

Dean took the glass of wine from my hand then cupped my elbow as I stood.
“Get yourselves out there.” I tried to use my most stern voice and narrowed my eyes fiercely.
“Yes Miss,” Dean said, and before I knew it his lips had brushed mine, the merest of touches. But it left a hint of the softness of his mouth and the delicious flavor of him that matched his woodsy male scent.
I caught my breath as he threw a cheeky grin upward. Following his gaze, I saw he held a sprig of mistletoe above my head. “Got you,” he said with a wink. Then he turned and headed out the door after Robbie and Ian.
“Don’t go anywhere,” Tim said, reaching out and tucking a strand of my new hairdo behind my ear. “We won’t be long.” He ducked his head and before I knew it he too was kissing me. But his kiss was longer, harder, and his tongue peeped into my mouth.
My heart fluttered, my knees weakened. What was happening? But before I could respond, he too was gone. I faltered on my heels and pulled in a shaky breath.
“Hey, you okay, Sylvia?” Nina asked from her chair, her eyes wide.
“Er, yeah.” I touched my tingling lips. “I think so.”
“Looks like you’ve got two admirers,” Jenny said with a grin, helping herself to another glass of mulled wine. “And a decision to make.”

Have a wonderful Sunday and if you check out my Mattress Music series be sure to swing by and let me know what you think of those sinfully sexy guys and the girls who capture their hearts.

Lily x

1 comment:

  1. Wow....what a dilemma! I wouldn't want to be in her shoes. I'd say choose both! Great snog!
